Monday, October 12, 2009

TV 'ban' for Aussie toddlers

SYDNEY - CHILDREN should not watch television until they turn two because it can hurt their language development and ability to concentrate, according to new guidelines for Australians.

The government recommendations, expected to be released next week, also say that children aged two to five should watch no more than an hour of television a day, The Australian newspaper reported Monday.

The draft guidelines, which have been designed for childcare centres but also offer advice for parents, are intended to help curb the spread of the obesity epidemic which has left Australian children heavier than ever.

'Based on recent research, it is recommended that children younger than two years of age should not spend any time watching television or using other electronic media (DVDs, computer and other electronic games),' they say.

'Screen time... may reduce the amount of time they have for active play, social contact with others and chances for language development,' a draft copy of the guidelines obtained by The Australian said.

'(It may) affect the development of a full range of eye movement (and)... reduce the length of time they can stay focused.' The government would not confirm the report, saying that the guidelines were still being finalised. -- AFP

- From Straits Times 12th October


Zulkifli.. :D said...

This article is beneficial with the fact that it warned all of us that television is to be blamed for the poor performance that children faced. In today society, parents perceived the television as a tool that distract their children concentration towards studies. Thus, curfew have been implemented by them to ensure that their children's development is not being halt.

lalaland said...

the article is beneficial as it give us knowledge of child psycology and how different types of mass media effects aussie toddles

Kelvin said...

Television affects toddlers' health, language and social ability.

TIM said...

This article is beneficial as it illustrates the influential power of mass media on people, specifically children.

Cherie said...

This article is beneficial as it told us about how watching television will affect language development and the ability to focus of the children.

Ko2 8) said...

as warned, the article is useful that television indeed affect the daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly performance.

Television may be informative to us, but it may also infect children with many negative externalities as we have perceived today, which is why we must implement a monitor and control to the children in terms of information limit that can be flooded onto them

theeba said...

This article proves to be useful as it talks about the effects of toddlers watching television before the age of two.

Siaoling said...

This article is beneficial as it states how mass media (e.g. television programme) is affecting us negatively, especially the young children,in terms of perspective, focus and language.

June Tan said...

i feel that it all boils down to one word, "balance".

I will that it is quite unavoidable for children to be exposed to media in this era.

Parents should pay closer attention to the development of the child's language or other various of development instead of putting the blame on media.

There are contradicting research about if screen time is more of a harm then benfit to child.I think its too early to conclude the effects of screen time with limited reserch done.

VAL! said...

This reflects how much mass media can not only affect adults, but also toddlers. It will have an impact to a toddler's growth and the way they learn, even though there are suitable children educational programmes for them available.

Darius said...

The article gives us an impression that television is not good for children at a young age.

Kong Kai Jie said...

This article is kind of useful as it can warn the parents on how television can affect the children negatively. Hence, parents can do something about it before something not so pleasant happen to their children.

Kasfil said...

Television has an adverse effect on the language development and concentration ability of children aged 2-5; reflecting how influencial mass media is towards the growth and lifestyle of children.

Annjuline said...

This article is helpful in the way that it alerts everyone about the negative effects of television, especially toddlers.