Sunday, July 13, 2008

Emo = Suicide ? ?

This article reports that a suicide of a 13 year-old girl in the States is linked to the 'emo' culture. Do you agree?

Click on the article for the full report.


Anonymous said...

These "Emo" topic can really piss me. Why would someone commit suicide because of it? The number of lives lost are increasing. I'm baffled.

Wilson said...

that is just because they are dumb enough to not find out meanings of stuff, also, the media is just trying to do dumb stuff to influence people with the trend.
so ya, in conclusion, they are all dumb =.=

Anonymous said...

Chat said....
Emo is a kind of behaviour that people show how they feel.But some people just don't understand their feeling and make them feel very upset. However, this hould not stress them until commit sucide because of it.

Anonymous said...

most 'emos' dont self harm or commit suicide it is the press that is causing the bad reputation majority just express their emotions in what they wear or what they listen to (the self harmers and suicidal emos are fakes)

emo.angel said...

I think emo is not full suicide because I'm emo and I'm not very suicidal...

cindy said...

well i want 2 become emo cuz its cool i am only 13 but i like how they dress its cool i have no problems but i am gonna dress like them

Anonymous said...

Well this is kinda stupid because being suicidal or hurting yourself is not what emo is. I am emo and its all about music and how you dress. Emos really live for music and they couldn't live without it. Some emos will hurt or harm themselves but that is called depression not emo. Emo short for emotional have emotions when they listen to music. So if the press would shut up about this and what they think is emo, isn't this is just ridiculous. Anyways, you all have a great day :D :P

hell rock said...

hey guys i'm emo and i know wht emo mean well i'm rocker i play guitare i like all the people but people don't like me and they don't accept me i have a lot of problems i'm pretending happness but i'm not happy from the inside when i think about life and people who really hurt me all the time i think about suicide and i try it i can't stay alive i need the end.
hey emo is not just style of clothes it's so hard to be emo not anyone can be emo (emo from the inside)

Anonymous said...

Some people self harm and are not eom while others are and don't

Anonymous said...

Ok you know what I'm tired of this, being emo is just feeling emotion more than others, as its short for emotional. Now that does NOT mean that all emos go around self harming or being suicidal. Suicide and self harm are both symptoms of depression, not symptoms of being emo. And yes a lot of emos wear dark clothing in a certain style, but that's because a lot of them like to express themselves that way, not all emos dress like that.